Reform UK lead in a poll for the first time

by | Jan 24, 2025 | Latest News | 0 comments

First poll showing Reform UK leading in the UK on 26%

Reform UK go from Strength to strength

January 2025, less than 7 months after the July ’24 general election and Reform UK have continued to move up the polls. After several weeks neck and neck with the two failing legacy parties in the mid 20’s, Reform ar now on 26%, 3 points ahead of the Tories on 23% and Labour now trailing in 3rd position on 22%.

Reforms detractors continue to be wrong at every turn, there is no ceiling, no limit to how much support Reform UK and Nigel Farage can gather together. It turns out that common sense is far more common than Reforms detractors have assumed.

Ordinary people are angry. Angry with the illegal arrivals continuing to arrive on our shores and costing hard pressed tax payers ever increasing sums of money. Angry with every higher taxes for ever dwindling public services. Angry with being gaslit by a government determined to convince the public that black is white and vice versa. Angry with our school children being attacked, raped and murdered in what was, not so long ago a safe country. Angry with the ever increasing cost of energy and fears over its reliable supply. Angry with our government always finding cash for foreign virtue signalling projects but unable to find money for vital infrastructure back home in the UK.

The UK is at a crossroads. The electorate will have a simple choice to make at the next election; more of the same failed policies, or a change in direction, a new start, a drive for genuine economic growth via lower taxes, a simpler, fairer system that will put cash back into the pockets of the lowest paid and make work pay. We need to cut the size of the state, to cut the cost of the state, reduce the waste, get millions of depressed young workers back to work, back to being productive contributors.

The welfare state needs to be returned to being a safety net for short term support for those who need it. Of couse we need to maintain disability support for those who genuinely need it, but there are now millions of people on disability benefit who in all probability should not be entitled to it.

We are borrowing £ billions every month while giving away £ billions every month and wasting £ billions at home every month.

24-1-25 Reform UK lead in a national poll for the first time

Tory Vote Becomes a Wasted Vote

If you are still voting Tory then you are splitting the vote and it will be your vote that prevents the change that the UK needs to see. We have a lunatic Labour government that is systematically destroying the UK economy. They say they want growth but have attacked businesses, increasing taxes and driving up the cost of doing business.

Nut Zero is driving businesses to the wall, or forcing them to leave for countries with cheaper energy. Who in their right mind would start a business in the UK today? Who?

As we head towards the april tax increases more and more businesses are cutting jobs in an attempt to stay profitable. Labour does not have a clue about generating growth, they seem to conflate tax take with growth, so have increased taxes beyond a viable level.

Every day we see companies announcing job losses, closures and redundancies. We will sadly see more and more in the coming months and this government can’t see the damage it is doing to peoples lives.

We are sadly going to see hundreds of thousands or peoples lives ruined. Losing their jobs, their homes, their businesses. This government is driving the country to the wall and are deaf to everyone telling them so.

Reform UK with 170 seats

UK Debt Spiral

How long will it be before Reeves loses control completely and has to go cap in hand to the IMF for a bail out? Our bonds are in freefall, government borrowing costs are climbing, removing even more cash from spending budgets. The debt spiral will not stop without intervention and this government is showing no signs of doing so.

The job of government is to create the environment when businesses can thrive and grow. They will then employ more people and pay more taxes, enabling the government to provide better services to the public. This government is heading in the opposite direction and the growing despair within the electorate is plain to see.

Reform at 25-26% are heading for 170 – 205 Parliamentary seats, quite some achievement for a 3 1/2 year old party. At 28% Reform will become the largest party in Parliament, and above 31% will have over 330 seats and will form the next government.

We cannot allow the legacy parties to continue to destroy this country. Their strategies are wrong. Reeves says we need some Trump positivity….. no, we need some Trump….. or our version of Trump, Nigel Farage to redesign government for the benefit of the British people, to work in the interests of the UK first and foremost.

Multiculturalism is a failed experiment. The UK is almost unique in the world. Not that long ago we didn’t need to lock our doors, our children could play outside from dawn til dusk without parents worrying about their welfare. We used to have unarmed policemen and women who policed our streets effectively. As a nation, we have always attributed a high value to life.

In the last 30 years we have imported many different cultures in to the UK, people with different values. Different values to the rule of law, to the value of life, and with different moral values.

Today, as a consequence we have people walking our streets, stalking women and children committing rapes and as we have seen a growing number of murders. Knife crime is beyond rife, it is endemic. Because of our open borders we have a rampant drug problem and many knife crimes are drug gang related.

Rape is so popular in the UK that there are organised rape gangs in every town and city. Tens of thousands of vulnerable girls have been rapes and abused.

If we can’t protect children, if we can’t protect vulnerable children then what have we become. There are big changes needed, none of these issues will be solved overnight but if we don’t adopt a zero tolerance approach and provide the necessary tools for our police to keep us safe then we are, as a country lost.

The change starts here. No one wants to see people take the law into their own hands, but I can see that coming if the government doesn’t impose change now. We have to change the country at the ballot box, now is the time to get involved, to be involved, Reform UK are the future, the hope, the actual change for the better that will address societies problems and make the UK a safer, more prosperous nation.

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