
Lee Anderson – I Want My Country Back

Lee Anderson – I Want My Country Back

I want my country back ‘What exactly do you mean when you say you want your country back?’ This is the question every wet, woke and weak left leaning liberal individual asks me. The response they want is based on the colour of a person’s skin, their ethnicity, or...

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Education in the UK

Education in the UK

Education Service Needs Urgent Reform In our schools, colleges, and universities, there are some VERY bad things going on. Education should NOT be indoctrination.  Yet we see that schools, universities educational authorities are pushing their political and WOKE...

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The Bankers Who Broke the World

The Bankers Who Broke the World

The Great Depression & What Caused It In July, during the golden summer of 1927, four central bankers met secretly for an entire week in a Gastbyesque Italian-style mansion in what was then New York’s “gold coast” on Long Island. Secluded from prying eyes in a...

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How Reform Can Cut Government Waste

How Reform Can Cut Government Waste

Government Waste The government spends over £1.14 trillion per year. That is an awful lot of money! And much of it is wasted. Our government waste our money. Here is how Reform UK will cut wasteful government spending: 1. Enforce a 5% Saving Without Cutting Services...

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William Wragg – Political Honey Trap

William Wragg – Political Honey Trap

William Wragg MP William Wragg MP, who was permitted to keep the whip after being caught not only embarrassingly sharing naked pictures on Grindr with people he had never met, but then, subsequently passing on the details of other MPs to the same anonymous bad actors,...

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Defend the George Cross

Defend the George Cross

George Cross is Under Attack If you didn't know better, you might reasonably think that the George Cross is being cancelled. First it was quite wrongly associated with far-right hooligans, tarnishing its image, and more recently it has been "playfully reimagined" by...

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The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Emperor Has No Clothes The British public are not stupid, we can all see that the claims and pronouncements on so many issues carry no weight, don't hold water.... have no validity in fact. 1. Electric Cars are not very good and no one wants them. 2. Heat pumps...

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