Two Tier Keir Battles the ‘Far Right’
The Prime Minister (Two-Tier Keir) called a press conference with the primary aim of talking about the angry response of outraged mothers and fathers rather than by responding to the atrocity of the multiple murder of 3 children and severe injuries of 6 others including the brave teachers who were injured shielding some of the children.
It is heartening news that two of the injured children have been able to leave hospital and return home to their families. I hope that they fully recover soon and that they can find a way past the memory of the horrific ordeal they have faced.
It strikes me that Two Tier Keir has failed to understand the situation on the ground. The multiple murders on Monday were the straw that broke the camels back. In the last two weeks we have seen 17 stabbings on Britain’s streets. The public are frightened for the safety of their children, for their own futures.
For Two Tier Keir to label everyone attending as ‘far right’ is wrong. These are normal people, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles.
Two Tier Keir has demonstrated through this speech that he doesn’t understand the problems that people are experiencing and as such will do nothing to ease social tensions.
It seems that the two-tier policing strategy will continue, Two Tier Keir spoke only of enforcing more laws to make social media companies accountable, to increase intelligence, surveillance and facial recognition technology, to restrict free speech and stifle the autonomy of those that they believe have been intent on inciting violence.
You can’t begin to address the elephant in the room unless you acknowledge that there is an elephant in the room. Two Tier Keir cannot admit that mass migration and the failure of multiculturalism are the reasons for Britain descending into chaos. We are not going to fix this problem until our Prime Minister admits that the problem exists.
You are Not Racists
Telling the millions of frightened, angry, deeply concerned mothers and fathers that they are racist for being frightened for their futures will butter few parsnips. That they are bigots for mourning the loss of the neighbourhoods they used to cherish, that they are fascists for not embracing the massive, high speed cultural change that we have seen imposed on every street in the UK.
That is what your Prime Minister thinks of you, he doesn’t understand, he hasn’t attempted to understand.
There was no mention of the Leeds riot where Romanians were left to riot on the streets as the police ran away from them.
Two Tier Keir actually went out of his way following the three murdered girls to single out and reassure the Muslim community whilst simultaneously demonising the native population.
Does anyone really believe that Britain has a ‘far right’ problem? It seems to me that Britain has a far more serious problem with a dominant liberal class that for decades has consistently ignored what seem to be totally legitimate concerns regarding crime, immigration and economic injustice & we are now seeing the blow back from that manifest itself.
The overly heavy-handed police action in Whitehall outside Downing Street have only served to polarise Britain further and create deeper divisions.
Media attention has been turned away from the multiple murder and onto the EDL, an organisation that disbanded 10 years ago. There are multiple calls for the organisation to be banned which might be a challenge as it doesn’t exist.
While knife wielding thugs run around our streets stabbing people at will, while shop lifting goes through the roof, while attacks on women and girls increase, while uniformed soldiers are stabbed on British streets, the enemy, the focus of our Prime Minister is the supposed ‘far right’.
Our government is attempting to treat the effect while gaslighting us about the cause.
Two Tier Keir Isn’t Listening
It seems that the government will do nothing to stop knife wielding maniacs and instead focus their attention on anyone that opposes those knife wielding maniacs from attacking their children. They have totally misunderstood why so many have taken to the streets to be heard.
Two Tier Keir has taken this protest in isolation and has not considered the long build up to it. The tragic murder of those three young girls was the last straw for many, the last in a long line of attacks, of violence against indigenous Britons.
These protests are not about race, they are about culture, they are about our failed multicultural experiment. It transpires that different cultures struggle to coexist. We have very different expectations, behaviours, social norms, Britain as many people remember it no longer exists. Yes, we used to have a low level of crime, as any Western society does, but we never saw gang warfare, knife fights, stabbings, murders at anywhere near the levels that we do today.
Not all, but many are carried out by migrants who clearly have a very different set of values and beliefs to the majority of Britons.
It has become too difficult for many to continue to tolerate the intolerable. Two Tier Keir doesn’t want you to look at the problem, he wants you to look at and condemn the reaction to the problem. He wants to distract you from the failed social engineering experiment of rapid mass migration.
Two Tier Keir has failed to grasp the problem he faces, it looks to the public that if you are white, working class & born and bred in the UK, if you believe in law and order, and fairness you can expect the state and the tools of the state to make you feel unwelcome, unwanted, disregarded and unprotected. Starmer doesn’t understand why people are angry.
Two Tier Keir and Cooper have both dived straight to blame social media as the villain of recent events; disinformation, misinformation and Russian bots. While those may be the tools of modern communication, the seeds of discontent were sown decades ago and have grown over time. Decades of liberal political policies have led us here and our leaders are now blaming anyone who has the temerity to highlight those unfortunate truths.
If You Don’t Agree You Will Be Silenced
So many people feel unable to voice their valid concerns, so good has the campaign of labelling them as ‘far right’, racists, bigots, fascists and Nazis been if you object to any of the crazy, left wing, ‘progressive’ liberal actions and policies that have been normalised; puberty blockers, trans ideology, open borders, trans women competing against women in sports, DEI, LGBGTQ++, Net Zero at all costs, Diversity, Rainbow flags on everything.
The trope ‘Far Right’ has been expanded to extend to anyone who doesn’t comply with all of these policies, these actions, these ideas. It is being used to silence you, to mute your response, to devalue you, to negate your existence.
We are divided as a nation between the woke, liberal progressives who espouse open borders, mass immigration, EU membership, globalism & diversity and more traditional small c conservatives with traditional values who can see their country changing, becoming less safe for their families and children, seeing crime rising and feeling powerless to stop the forced changes they are witnessing.
We are witnessing a breakdown in social cohesion, the fabric of Britain that previously held communities together, that united us. We are told on the one hand that we are all the same, so why are we policed completely differently?
It is starting to look abundantly clear that the public are not going to just sit back as second class citizens and wait to be expunged from their own country. Whether the case or not, it feels to many as if their very existence is under threat. How many children need to be slaughtered in acts of terrorism before the blinkers fall from everyone’s eyes?
Trust, or the Lack of Trust
The biggest issue that the government face, though they may not appreciate it yet is the issue of trust. The public increasingly do not trust the messaging coming out of government. It certainly feels like an exercise in social management and a psychop rather than the dissemination of ‘the news’.
I can’t help but conclude that if Two Tier Keir put all the effort that he is dedicating to crushing the ‘Far Right’ into protecting innocent people from vicious knife wielding thugs then he wouldn’t need to crush those that he considers to be far right.
It wasn’t than long ago that ‘From the river to the sea’ the antisemitic trope was projected onto the Elizabeth Tower in Westminster and nothing was done to remove it, to arrest those who projected it. That was racism against the Jewish community in London, many of whom have been scared to go out in London in recent months. Nothing was done to protect them.
Law and order has broken down in the UK. We used to police by consent, but many now living in the UK don’t appear to have given their consent. They steal, stab and kill without fear, they do not comply with our social contract.
The saddest part of Starmer’s speech on the 1st August is that we now know that he doesn’t understand why people are angry, why people are scared for their children’s futures. The saddest part of his speech is that he will do nothing to address the concerns of the mums and dads who feel so strongly about where their country is heading that they took to the streets.
We have an analogue government operating in a digital world. The time when you could just print your preferred narrative in a few newspapers has gone. Many people knew who the murderer was long before the judge released that information.
There is an element who are concerned about Islamism in the UK, about the potential dangers of Islamists. There are many Muslims in the UK who only want to live in peace and harmony and to get on with their lives, if they don’t rely on the state and contribute to society then who is to argue with that. The danger, or perceived danger for many is the small but dangerous minority of Islamist fanatics who think the Koran is a manual for world domination.
No one is worried about peace-loving Muslims. But, how can the average person tell the difference between the two? There may not be very many in total, but there are too many people in the UK who hate who we are, who hate our way of life and who wish to do us harm.
Too many serious crimes have recently been committed by Islamists. The police and authorities try to hide the facts by citing mental health issues as the driving motive behind these crimes. This does nothing to calm a concerned public.
We no longer rely on a controlled narrative published by the government to know what is going on, while they attempt to control an increasingly large portion of a compliant legacy media, for the first time in history, people can communicate on mass with each other, and that is the perceived problem for the government, not what is happening, but the fact we can talk about it.
If our authorities wanted to appease the public about the religion of Axel Rudakubana then why have they not released that information? It would quell a lot of unrest almost instantly. I can only assume that the only reason why his religion hasn’t been released is because it will not appease the public unrest.
Why were the Leeds riot, where the police ran away, where rioters where filmed shouting allahu akbar not mentioned in Two Tier Keir’s speech to the nation? Is it because that riot set an unfortunate precedent?
After a Romanian family’s children were taken into care the riot erupted, up until the children were returned to the family, after which calm was restored. What does that teach us? It teaches us that violent riots get results. If it works for one section of society, then why wouldn’t it work for all?
Many people in the country feel helpless, powerless and that is why they are taking to the streets. They derive strength from standing with likeminded people, normal people. These people are not far right Keir, they are angry, scared and concerned for their families and you need to own their fear and address their issues.
Two Tier Keir Offered No Solutions
I suspect that Two Tier Keirs public address has done nothing to appease the unrest in society. I suspect that protests will continue and will dispel the myth that the Southport protesters were a rentamob, shipped in for the day. The protest was promoted locally on Liverpool and Everton football supporter’s social media sites and the videos of the scene showed many people with Liverpudlian accents indicating that many were local people, or close to the locality at any rate.
The idea that there is some underground rentamob organisation that has sat dormant since the coal miners’ riots in the 80’s only to suddenly galvanise itself at a moments notice is laughable. Two Tier Keir mentioned the EDL as the culprits despite it not existing since 2015. This is deflection from the actual problem to what he believes the problem is.
Apparently, if the EDL didn’t exist (it doesn’t), if these protesting thugs didn’t have far right tendencies (they don’t) then there would be no more murders at the hands of migrants.
Cooper will no doubt proscribe the EDL & the campaign to vilify anyone who doesn’t align with their progressive liberal agenda will continue & they will be labelled as far right until they are silenced and in due course another unnecessary murder will occur, nothing will change, the public unrest will continue and more lives will be lost, nothing will be learned.
At the dawn of a new government, we had the opportunity for our new government to listen to the public, to at least empathise, to understand the issues facing real people. It has been an opportunity missed. Two-Tier Keir demonstrated when laying a wreath in Southport that he couldn’t care less about the people & he doesn’t know how to lead and he has no empathy.
I fear for our country, I fear for our communities, I fear for our freedoms.