According to the Sun this morning there were several trips each one of which cost £30,000 for the police to police and of course there’s a Prince Harry scenario, now where he may come back and say to the people who effectively won the court case over him, to say you don’t need this, you don’t deserve it, we’re not giving it. So, he’s now got perfect, I mean you know I’m no fan of Prince Harry but I can say he’s got the perfect right to go back to the police now and say well hang on you’re going to give it to Taylor Swift and I’ll give it as there is the latest death threat.
I agree with you, I think of suddenly we’re all saying thinking Prince Harry, it’s got a very justified point as a member of the royal family to say actually I should get at least some of what Taylor Swift is getting, but I mean equally you know if this is going to be the thing it’s going to become a marketing strategy actually the lots and lots of American celebrities are going to use maybe British ones as well they’re going to apply for this sort of thing, they’re going to expect it, they’re going to factor it into sort of the promotional stuff around their tour and the British taxpayer will be footing the bill for that all because actually of inexperience and frankly a breed on the part of British ministers it basically saying to anybody well look if you got a big enough profile you can have it you can have the state doing this whole sort of blue lights thing which, just on a sort of an operational level I would have thought would draw attention to the whereabouts of a particular end of it.
If you’re a terrorist who’s I don’t know willing to blow themselves up or be shot trying cause mayhem are you actually going to be put off by the sights of the blue lights no, you’re going to go towards the lights yeah?
You’re absolutely right I mean it’s not in any way necessarily a way to save you on somebody’s life but listen, graduates and talks you haven’t experienced thank you very much, I do we can talk all day because it’s so much more to so many more things to talk about this, from Nigel in Cambridge is “as the threat in Vienna was not to her, it was to her audience, not sure how a police escort for her personally would help a similar threat which the MET judge to be risk” Idiots yeah, I think that’s right, let’s get a voice note.