BBC Question Time Audience

At the moment the Conservative party have lost a lot of trust for the people in the UK. You’ve destroyed people’s chances to get on the property Market. You’ve ruined the pockets of people who have scrimped and saved everything they can.

I’m not surprised about the influx of voters to Reform UK, I’m I currently live in Bristol. I was Voting in the election, but I actually went and heard the Reform UK candidate and he was hitting on every point that everybody wanted to hear and Richard Tice is making it incredibly clear.

You have damaged the UK and I don’t think you can fix the damage you’ve done. I think it’s time for you to get out.

What was he offering you that appeals to you?

So, there was a lot about education and reducing a lot of the trans debate that’s going on at the moment. He was also talking about legal migration how there should be a one in-one out policy. He said that we should be replacing those that leave with things that we need nurses, doctors, dentists, hygienists. But he did he did hit on every point and he resonated with a lot of Voters.

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